あもんノート TOP
[←][→] TO MOVE, [↑] TO START.
screen = { init : function(){ .width = 500 .height = 500 .bgColor = "midnightblue" .e = document.getElementById( "graphics" ).getContext( "2d" ) .e.font = "bold 16px sans-serif" }, clear : function(){ .e.fillStyle = .bgColor .e.fillRect( 0, 0, .width, .height ) }, text : function( s, x, y ){ .e.fillStyle = "white" .e.fillText( s, x, y ) }, } key = { init: function(){ .in = {} document.onkeydown = function( e ){ key.in[ e.key ] = true } document.onkeyup = function( e ){ key.in[ e.key ] = false } }, } wall = { init : function(){ var w = screen.width, h = screen.height .no = [ { x: -w, y: 0, width: w, height: h }, { x: w, y: 0, width: w, height: h }, { x: 0, y: -h, width: w, height: h } ] }, } blocks = { init : function(){ .no = [] var k = 0 for( var y = 0; y < 4; y++ ){ for( var x = 0; x < 10; x++ ){ .no[k] = { width: 43, height: 18, x: 25 + 45 * x, y: 50 + 20 * y, alive: true } k++ } } .num = k }, draw : function(){ for( var k of .no ){ if( k.alive ){ screen.e.fillStyle = "orange" screen.e.fillRect( k.x, k.y, k.width, k.height ) } } }, } player = { init : function(){ .width = 60 .height = 15 .x = 220 .y = 430 .speed = 5 }, draw : function(){ screen.e.fillStyle = "deepskyblue" screen.e.fillRect( .x, .y, .width, .height ) }, move : function(){ if( key.in.ArrowLeft && .x > 0 ) .x -= .speed if( key.in.ArrowRight && .x + .width < screen.width ) .x += .speed }, xc : function(){ return .x + .width / 2 }, } ball = { init : function(){ .size = 6 .x = .y = .vx = .vy = 0 }, draw : function(){ var s = screen s.e.fillStyle = "white" s.e.beginPath() s.e.arc( .x, .y, .size, 0, 2 * Math.PI ) s.e.fill() }, move : function(){ .x += .vx .y += .vy }, hit : function( obj ){ var x1 = obj.x, x2 = obj.x + obj.width var y1 = obj.y, y2 = obj.y + obj.height if( x1 - .size < .x && .x < x2 + .size && y1 - .size < .y && .y < y2 + .size ) return true return false }, reflect : function( obj ){ .x -= .vx; .y -= .vy var x1 = obj.x, x2 = obj.x + obj.width var y1 = obj.y, y2 = obj.y + obj.height if( !( y1 - .size < .y && .y < y2 + .size ) ){ .vy *= -1 return "y" } if( !( x1 - .size < .x && .x < x2 + .size ) ){ .vx *= -1 return "x" } .x += .vx .y += .vy return "none" }, } game = { run : function(){ screen.init(); key.init(); wall.init() blocks.init(); player.init(); ball.init() .mode = "over" setInterval( "game.frame()", 15 ) }, serve : function(){ ball.x = player.xc() ball.y = player.y - ball.size var v = 6.7 var th = 0.2 + Math.random() * 0.15 ball.vx = v * Math.sin( th ) ball.vy = -v * Math.cos( th ) }, ballAngleChange : function(){ var th = 0 th += ( ball.x - player.xc() ) / 120 if( key.in.ArrowLeft ) th += -0.2 if( key.in.ArrowRight ) th += 0.2 var vxd = Math.cos( th ) * ball.vx - Math.sin( th ) * ball.vy var vyd = Math.sin( th ) * ball.vx + Math.cos( th ) * ball.vy if( -6 < vxd && vxd < 6 ){ ball.vx = vxd ball.vy = vyd } }, frame : function(){ screen.clear(); blocks.draw(); player.draw() player.move() if( .mode == "play" ){ ball.draw(); ball.move() var obj for( obj of wall.no ){ if( ball.hit( obj ) ) ball.reflect( obj ) } for( obj of blocks.no ){ if( obj.alive && ball.hit( obj ) ){ ball.reflect( obj ) obj.alive = false blocks.num -= 1 } } if( ball.hit( player ) ){ if( ball.reflect( player ) == "y" ) .ballAngleChange() } if( ball.y > screen.height + ball.size * 2 ) .mode = "over" if( blocks.num == 0 ) .mode = "clear" } else{ var h = screen.height if( .mode == "over" ) screen.text( "GAME OVER", 20, h - 20 ) if( .mode == "clear" ) screen.text( "GREAT!", 20, h - 20 ) if( key.in.ArrowUp ){ .serve() .mode = "play" blocks.init() } } }, } game.run()
inserted by FC2 system